Military items

Wuertembergian coat of arms Collection of coins given after field days Detail of a collection of tin soldiers Detail of a collection of tin soldiers
Detail of a collection of tin soldiers Detail of a collection of tin soldiers Book: History of a regiment postcard by Prof. Anton Hoffmann
Veteran's badge authentic photo Bavarian army Bavarian artillery knife: Faschinenmesser Autograph Himmler
Bavarian Verdienstorden (medal of merit) Bavarian civil servant smallsword detail of the hat of a Bavarian official (1900) Freikorps Hindenburg
Uniform civil servant (about 1900) Uniform civil servant (about 1900) German medal Bundesverdienstkreuz
Remembrance books German Artillery Medal of a Bavarian soldier First World War Fine painted tin soldier Photograpf of a a naval officer
Medal according to the law of 1957 Out of the collection of a tanker Medal Saxonia Dagger of a Custom's officer
Effects uniform Officer of the Wehrmacht Rich illustrated book about German Army Turkish medal Iron Halfmoon
Iron Cross Iron Cross (with box) Elastolin, Lineol soldiers Epaulettes
Medal Saxonia Officer's sash Austria Bearer of medal Eisernes Kreuz first class Badenia helmet fire brigade
Austrian medal Eiserne Krone (iron crown) Collar badge Hessen Freikorps Bavarian smallsword of an official, time of king Max Josephs I. Star addicted to the helmet of Garde du Corps (star of the black eagle)
Detail of the helmet Garde du Corps Gustav Kraus: Herzog von Leuchtenberg Gustav Kraus Bavarian uniforms Medal Sanzibar
Medal Bavaria St. Michael Stahlhelm M 1936 (steel helmet M 1936) Stahlhelm M 1916 (steel helmet M 1916) remembrance sheet German colonies
Uniform of a bavarian page Original photo Hugenberg with wife Uniforms Austrian husars Photo dress regimentals Wehrmacht
Uniform Englisg guard, musician brassard Bayerische Einwohnerwehr, Freikorps, Gebirgsschützen Schützenschnur Kaiser Wilhelm II period Kartuschkasten Österreich
belt buckle Hessen Gustav Kraus: "Prinz Carl von Bayern" Graphic Bavarian artillery Gustav Kraus: Uniforms of the Bavarian army
Cuff title Kreta Pacifistic book (round 1920) Flag of a Bavarian Veterans Society Medal Saxonia
Out of the photo album of a Wehrmacht soldier Preußen: Kronenorden Miniatur Officer of the Wehrmacht Ordenspange German Empire
Bavarian uniforms Original photos of uniforms of the Bavarian Home Guard Graphic Bavarian Landwehr Helmet of the Bavarian Landwehr 1848-1864
Lineol Elastolin tin figure Feldmarschall Mackensen Turkish cavallery painted on porcelaine Turkish medal given to a german officer First World War Collection of military item (Kaiserzeit period)
Medal chain with Eisernes Kreuz (iron cross) Bavarian Militärverdienstorden MVO Badge Bavarian Kriegerbund Medal Austrian Monarchy
Pontifical medal Rememberance medal given by Queen Victoria Verdienstkreuz für Angestellte Medal clasp Saxonia
Medal clasp Prussia Medal clasp Bavaria with Militärverdienstorden Great German medal clasp Pipe bowl Iron Cross (First World War)
Bavarian Pickelhaube (spiked helmet) Documents Prince Heinrich von Bayern Postcard collection First World War Reservist's jug Saxonia
Reservist jug Bavarian army Book regimental history Helmet of a knight (replica) Biographies of bearers of the Ritterkreuz
Dagger Third Reich period Austrian smallsword Remembrance sheet Bavarian army Bavarian artillery sable
Graphic pandurs Photo showing German officer, out of his photo album Steel helmet
Camouflage trousers Wehmacht Tropical helmet German Africa Corps Visor cap officer Wehrmacht Uniform German Army (Bundeswehr)
English uniform (Queen Elizabeth II period) Uniform documets of a German pilot of the First World War Medal Saxonia
Steel helmet M 16 with camouflage painting
Thumpnail painting of an uniform (detail) on copper plate, probably Turkish soldiers.
Artillerie Seitengewehr
mit lion head hilt,  Amberg, about 1820 sword portepee
K. und K. Monarchy, Emperor Franz Joseph I. Lithograph Munich military "Kostümblätter", München 1852
Edited by Karl Grünwedel, copy by C. Hohfelder
Eckert Monten:
Königreich Bayern
Eckert Monten:
Königreich Bayern
Eckert Monten:
Bavarian Kingdom
Eckert Monten:
Bavarian Kingdom
Eckert Monten:
Bavarian Kingdom
Eckert Monten:
Bavarian Kingdom
Cuirassier Regiment, Prinz Johann von Sachsen
Eckert Monten:
Bavarian Kingdom
Mineurs Eckert Monten:
Bavarian Kingdom
Eckert Monten:
Bavarian Kingdom
Cadettencorps (Cadets) Bürger-Schütze in Gala-Uniform im Jahre 1800
Common rifleman in gala uniform (1800) Karl Leonhard Sedlmayr: Major u. Commandant der Bürger-Infanterie (1795) Munich Common rifleman, 1795
Munich Common rifleman, 1795 Eckert Monten:
Bavarian Kingdom
Divisions or Bigade Adjutant.
Hauptmann im General-Quartiermeisterstab Eckert Monten:
Bavarian Kingdom
Flügeladjutant and Generaladjutant Eckert Monten:
Kingdom Hanover
1st Leichtes Infanterie Regiment
Eckert Monten:
Kingdom Hanover
1st Leichtes Infanterie Regiment Eckert Monten:
Kingdom Hanover
Garde chaser Field officer Photograph manoeuvre Carl Hohfelder:
Common rifleman in gala uniform (1800)
D. Monten:
Bavarian artillery, 1832
Japanese Katana (dagger)
Portait of an Officer (oil on canvas)
Portait of a Bavarian officer
Oil on canvas
Biedermeier framework
Signed: Krafft 1818
Rare uniform of a Hessian officer
Johan August Krafft (born 1792):
Portrait of a Bavarian officer of the Artillery, 1847
Portrait of a nobleman or a officer in breatplate
Portrait of Bismarck (after Lehnbach)
Signed „Neles“, „München“ (about 1900)
Portait of an Officer (oil on canvas) Eckert Monten:
Bavarian Kingdom
1st Cuirassier Regiment Prinz Carl (privates on duty) Manufaktur Nymphenburg: Preußischer Totenkopfhusar
(Prussian scull hussar) Medal "Karl Marx", German Democratic Republic
With box and papers
Eckert Monten:
Kingdom Bavaria
Garnisons Compagnien, Invalids, Veterans, captain, Offizier des Cadetten Corps Maltese medal (neck decoration) Italy: Chest Star and neck decoration (Viktor Emanuel of Italy period, 1940)

Federal Republic of Germany:
"Grosses Bundesverdienstkreuz" (neck decoration)
Germany 1933-1945: Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes
(Knight Cross of the Iron Cross) Bavarian Kingdom:
Reservist Jar
Königlich Bayerisches Erstes Infanterieregiment (about 1902) Summer uniform of an Admiral of the U.S.A., with some awards like „Liberation of Kuwait Medal“

Bavarian Kingdom
Medal clip with 5 awards, like Erinnerungskreuz 1866, Erinnerungsmedaille 1870/71
Bavarian Kingdom
Medal clip with 5 awards, like Kronprinz Rupprecht medal in bronze (conferred 1925 – 1933) Deutsches Reich: Infantry rapier of an officer (about 1900)    

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